HAVING read Ivan McKee’s inspirational comment in the Sunday National (‘Yes’ must be on ballot papers), my abiding thought was IF ONLY. If only the ideal opportunity would materialise! Never did I suspect that “if only” would come to fruition with such speed.

McKee has always displayed acute understanding of his ministerial brief and the intricacies of politics between Westminster and Holyrood. He did so clearly again in his Sunday comment.

There is one essential toward gaining our independence and that is all supporters, irrespective of party or none, working in unison toward persuading those not yet on board and finally voting with clarity in favour of Scotland’s independence.

READ MORE: SNP open nominations to replace Nicola Sturgeon as party leader

Those striving for independence need to do so in an organisation with undisputed clarity of purpose.

With Nicola Sturgeon’s announcement to stand down as First Minister and in response to clear Unionist obstruction, I see this as an ideal opportunity to up the ante on independence by the creation of an all-inclusive electorate whose prime and common objective is securing Scotland’s independence from tyrannical Westminster government.

We now need a new leader of the SNP to continue governance from Holyrood and an independence manager of renown to further the cause of independence inclusive of the disparate groups and individuals currently on their own, sometimes divisive agendas toward independence.

Tom Gray

ALL the best to Nicola and a very thoughtful resignation speech from the best UK politician I have known. She was brilliant at FMQs. Of course it is not unknown for FMs to come back and on a possibly remote idea, might an SNP and Alba alliance be the best option going forward before the next round of elections?

Peter Gorrie

READ MORE: In graphs: Nicola Sturgeon's tenure as First Minister and impact on Scottish politics

A SUCCESSFUL self-determination movement will be more than a single party or individual leader.

The African National Congress that got rid of apartheid was more than either Mandela or the communist party.

The Sandinistas (FSLN) fighting dictatorship in Nicaragua or FMLN in El Salvador were much more than one party or prominent leader.

These movements incorporated many different representative groups.

Obviously that does not prevent a leading organisation being dominant but it has to recognise that other positive contributions need to be incorporated, indeed encouraged.

Norman Lockhart

ALBA and the various Yes groups are allies alongside the SNP, not enemies of each other! The SNP are the party demonstrating our ability to self-govern, but are hampered by the constraints of having to abide by the current constitutional and legal framework, as are Alba. So despite justifiable frustration at a lack of progress there is only so much they can do – the same applies to Alba of course as a registered official political party.

It is incumbent on the rest of the independence movement to help persuade the case, as Believe in Scotland have been doing for example, but it is not all up to them. Wherever there is misdirection or falsehood it has to be countered at all times. The negatives, pessimism and opposition should not and cannot be allowed to gain traction.

READ MORE: History will judge Nicola Sturgeon as the midwife of our independence

We have to work together to achieve an independent state, and that is the priority. If we don’t achieve that then all the fine arguments over gender, net zero, bottles, drugs, alcohol, Europe and so on are a waste of breath. We can only really address all of those when we are free. We can lay the ground of course, but angst and nit-picking at this stage is counter-productive.

Nick Cole
Meigle, Perthshire

NO-ONE saw that coming! But was it a shock? It did send shockwaves through the political climate in Scotland and ultimately the UK. As Scotland’s First Minister announces she is stepping down from post and also as leader of the SNP I am sure the country recognises that Nicola Sturgeon certainly put in a shift.

As the first female First Minister and the longest-serving First Minister, Ms Sturgeon led from the front, carried the country through Covid with distinction and leadership. And as she steps down her popularity ratings are still positive, the highest of all party leaders in the UK, an amazing achievement after holding the post for more than eight years.

READ MORE: 'I am a human being': Nicola Sturgeon's peace plea after attempted political bonfire

During those years Ms Sturgeon has successfully led the SNP to election victories in two Holyrood elections, three Westminster elections, two national council elections, one European election and an EU referendum, a very impressive record and one no other political leader in modern times has matched.

So regardless of one’s political standing, regardless of past voting and future voting intentions, on this day of shockwaves through our political climate, the departing First Minister’s achievement and service to country must be acknowledged.

Catriona C Clark

THANK you so much Nicola. You have been truly inspirational. We now have a strong base going forward towards a wonderful independent Scotland.

Unfortunately I have already had to listen to vitriol from a Tory MP. Also the Sky News presenter referred to the Scottish NATIONALIST Party. Ah well, let’s show them. C’mon Scotland, independence beckons.

Jane Bullock
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