The National:

WHEN Humza Yousaf proposed a referendum on whether or not to retain the monarchy as head of state in an independent Scotland … it's not like we expected Douglas Ross to take it well.

The Scottish Tories are royalists to the core, and their leader is no different.

We previously told how the First Minister said, following the launch of a fourth independence whitepaper on a written constitution, that Scots could vote to remove King Charles as head of state within three to five years of a Yes vote.

It would require a second referendum, and the support of the Scottish people, but Ross fumed at even the HINT of the royals being removed from their privileged positions.

READ MORE: RECAP: Humza Yousaf launches new white paper on Scottish independence

He also appeared to suggest that a large section of the Scottish population is the “most hard-core of nationalists”.

Fuming on Twitter, Ross said: “Humza Yousaf thinks that discussing a referendum on the monarchy is the priority right now for Scotland.

“This is desperate stuff, pitched at only the most hard-core of nationalists.”

Ross clearly isn’t a National reader - or he would have spotted our coverage during the coronation of whether or not Scotland supports a republic or a monarchy.

The monarchy is slightly more popular than a republic in Scotland, averaging around 46-50% in favour of the royals, while support for a republic ranges between 32% and 40%, depending on the pollster.

However, when it comes to who should be an elected head of state in an independent Scotland - it’s almost neck and neck. While 41% think Scotland should continue to have a monarchy, 40% back a republic, while 19% said they don’t know.

Whatever Ross was getting at, the Jouker doubts that 40% of Scots could be described as the “most hardcore of nationalists”.

And social media users agreed, pointing out they would be happy to remove King Charles as head of state.

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One Yes supporter wrote: “Desperate stuff coming from you bully boy. I think you will find that the majority of Scottish people will agree with our First Minister.”

“Seems a lot of people in Scotland want the monarchy ditched,” another said.

Another added: “Independent or not the monarchy is outdated. It is the 21st century after all!”

While one said: “Ross thinks we shouldn't have a say over anything.

“Scotland isn't the only country that wants to #AbolishTheMonarchy.”

It’s no wonder Ross is frequently branded “out of touch” with the Scottish public.

Maybe Ross should take a bit more time to read The National…