AS Sandy Gordon says (Letters, Aug 11), Scotland has been a country of innovative people and it still is. But I do not think that this undeniable fact can be conflated with the Scottish  cringe, which unfortunately is alive yet in the psyche of too many Scots.

When out canvassing for independence and you encounter the “Proud Scotsman, but I think we should stick with the Union,” you have come face-face with the Scottish cringe.

READ MORE: 'Rebuttal unit' to respond to misleading claims about independence

It’s a depressing thing to hear, especially from Scots born and bred, but also not surprising as the Scottish population has been indoctrinated for more than 300 years by UK governments and their friends in the media that Scotland is too wee, too poor and too stupid to be independent. Even Johann Lamont said Scots are not programmed to make decisions, for heaven’s sake.

Now, 50% of Scots know that is not true, but we must educate the other half that what they have been told is simply the case. We cannot chap on every door and the mainstream media will not carry our message – how do we overcome thisdilemma?

Richard Walthew