THE SNP have produced several white papers on the benefits of their policies but with absolutely zero impact on opinion polls. No wonder. Almost nobody has heard of them, let alone read them, and they appear to have been forgotten about as soon as they appeared.

The average voter who may need persuading doesn’t go looking for such publications, but if the same money had been used to put the same information on large billboards in prominent locations then many more people would get the message on a continuous basis.

READ MORE: Independence for Wales is a viable option, major report concludes

The billboard messages need to be simplified, not detailed. For example: “Why are Ireland and Denmark with less resources doing so much better than Scotland?” Or “Why are Scotland’s pensioners so much worse off than most of Europe’s?”

There are dozens of similar subjects, but people have to be reminded of how independence will benefit them.

Currently there appears to be no independence campaign but it is high time that it started.

James Duncan