THE Scottish Parliament’s crucial vote on the SNP-presented Scottish Budget took place on Tuesday and a few questions arose during the debate. First there was no alternative Budget presented by either of the opposition parties, only criticism.

READ MORE: Scottish Budget passed as SNP attack 'new age' of Tory austerity

No acknowledgement from opposition parties of the groundbreaking Scottish Child Payment of £25/week for eligible children, tackling child poverty head-on, assisting in excess of 327,000 households. And no acknowledge from the opposition of the Scottish Government’s initiative in assisting the younger generation with no tuition fees for further or higher education and free bus travel for the under-22s. No acknowledgement from opposition parties regarding our nurses here in Scotland being the best paid anywhere in the UK and no NHS strikes in Scotland.

The Scottish Government are to be applauded for their record on addressing poverty and assisting the most vulnerable in society with more mitigating measures in this year’s (now approved) Budget.

Catriona C Clark