I AM sure that The National is read everywhere in the departments and offices in Holyrood, and do not doubt that the long letter of April 1 will give at least some readers food for thought. Alan Crocket has hit the nail right on the head (as have others in the past) when he points out what can legitimately be done to at least start the ball rolling in the original way it was intended.

READ MORE: The flame of anger needs to be ignited in the independence movement

Ten years ago, when independence was wrecked by lies and deception, did we lose heart and resort to becoming just another political party who “once had a dream” and ended up pursuing the idea that everything would be alright in the end if we stayed in the dream and behaved?

What the letter is proposing is that we don’t behave ourselves, and start to use the means at hand to accomplish independence, and never be deflected from that goal, or have it put at the bottom the list of “things to do” by people who might be getting too comfortable.

James Ahern
East Kilbride