THE unpopular, unelected and wretched Sunak has bowed to the inevitable and called an election. The most likely outcome is that the Tories will be wiped out. This is entirely down to hubris, arrogance and incompetence.

The list of Tory scandals is long. Brexit, Partygate, illegally proroguing parliament, lying to the Queen, unlawful PPE contracts, austerity, Dominic Raab, Chris Williamson, Dominic Cummings, Mark Menzies, William Wragg, Owen Paterson, Chris Pincher, Scott Benton, Windrush, tripling tuition fees, tripling national debt, trillions of gallons of raw sewage in rivers, banning onshore wind, hundreds of scandals involving party donations, Lee Anderson, Frank Hester, Priti Patel’s secret meetings with Israeli security services, Suella Braverman and “hate marches”, Andrew Bridgen holocaust claims, Matt Hancock in the jungle, David Warburton, Liz Truss, Michelle Mone, Robert Jenrick “cash for favours”, Sunak’s tax arrangements, Zahawi’s tax arrangements, Priti Patel bullying, tractor enthusiast Neil Parish, Peter Bone, Johnson and Truss’s ridiculous honours fiascos, and the government intentionally ignoring the Supreme Court and breaking international law.

READ MORE: Scottish LibDem candidate donated £25,000 to Boris Johnson's Tories

The alternative to the Tories is “Sir” Keir Starmer. This is a man who abstained on a vote to make those pumping raw sewage into rivers and beaches responsible. When the Gaza slaughter first occurred, he went on TV and insisted Israel had the “right” to cut off food, water and electricity to the Strip, for which the International Criminal Court seeks to arrest the Israeli Prime Minister.

Three hard-right Tories including a member of the ultra-nutty European Research Group have felt comfortable joining Starmer’s party, all while leftists have been purged. This should shatter any illusions about what is coming.

The squalid Sunak recently made a speech comparing those who support Scottish independence to the governments of Russia, China and Iran. Starmer agrees with this position. Nobody who knows the thinking of the Westminster cabal would be shocked or surprised by this.

The “Scottish” Labour party hid the McCrone report, rigged the 1979 devolution referendum, stood with the Tories to oppose it, remained silent while Thatcher decimated Scotland and stole the oil, campaigned with the Tories to oppose independence. This is still the case today.

READ MORE: Alister Jack’s Scottish nuclear power stations plan must be resisted

Alister Jack said before a Westminster committee that new nuclear power stations will be built in Scotland. Jack dismissed the objections of the people of Scotland and Holyrood. These stations will be used to generate power for the home counties and make billions for the energy fat cats, then the nuclear waste will be dumped in Scotland.

Anyone doubting how venal the Westminster cesspit is only need look at the contaminated blood scandal. The fact that numerous lives can be lost due to criminal corporate negligence, with the ensuing scandal being concealed and no repercussions faced for many years, sheds light on the priorities of governments, political parties, state authorities, and the judiciary under Westminster. It appears that these entities are primarily concerned with safeguarding companies’ profit-making endeavours. Those who strive to protect even the most basic rights to health and life from these firms frequently encounter a hostile environment when dealing with the courts and government bodies.

The contaminated blood scandal is one of only many where the victims have been denied justice and accountability by Westminster. Hillsborough, Piper Alpha, the Iraq war lies, the Post Office Horizon scandal, Bloody Sunday, Grenfell Tower and many more.

Only mass social struggles, united in favour of Scottish independence, can assert the rights of working people.

Alan Hinnrichs