HOW deeply ironic and sad that the party which vows to get people with mental illnesses (who they have described as merely struggling with the inevitable ups and downs of life ) into work in order to save millions on benefits payments, and deny GPs the authority to sign people off from work with such illnesses, has prevented David Duguid coming back to work.

By his own account, his recovery from critical illness is going well and he was up for the challenge of a re-election campaign having been approved by his local branch. He wanted and was ready to return to work.

READ MORE: Open 'swift' probe into Douglas Ross expenses, SNP urge watchdogs

I hope he stands as an independent (even if it means the SNP missing out), claims every benefit to which he is entitled and sues the Conservative Party for unfair dismissal.

The Tories really are unspeakable in their hypocrisy, double standards and deceit.

I am so very glad that Doulas Ross has been wholly exposed for the despicable operator he is. I hope he is creamed in relation to his expenses. It puts his outrage in relation to Michael Matheson’s debacle in a very different light. Stones and glass houses come to mind.

I hope the SFA act appropriately if he is indeed found to have “cooked the books”.

Jenny Pearson

I HAVE read, with increasing incredulity, details of Douglas Ross’s “resignation”. If I understand this correctly, he will (maybe, who can tell? Until recently he was not trying for Westminster – and changed his tune) resign as Scottish Tory leader after he may, or may not, be elected to Westminster?

There is apparently also a somewhat belated recognition that he has been short-changing his current constituents by stating that he will resign as Scottish Tory leader if he is elected to Westminster so that they can be sure he will devote his time to them.

READ MORE: London-based Tory candidate won't accept Douglas Ross's Holyrood seat

If he does not win, he will remain as an MSP and, perhaps, leader – which of course means he will head the Holyrood list?

Either way he remains at least a two-job man, because there is no hint that his refereeing days, on expenses, are over. This is all about him and how to keep a well paid job or four. His constituents and fellow Scots are irrelevant. Chancer on steroids.

Jean Dunlop

D ROSS is going to resign, but not before he has played poker with his job as an MP or MSP.

It is called hedging your bets – what I cannot stomach is the fact that he went after Michael Matheson like a rabid dog both in Holyrood and the media, all the time knowing that his own team called his expenses “dodgy” and that it had been covered up until he stuck a knife in Duguid’s back to get a Westminster seat.

READ MORE: Douglas Ross refuses to say he will stop election bid if he broke MP rules

A “rotten” Tory government does not cut it. It is rotten, corrupt and totally hypocritical – and that is on a good day.

And don’t forget the BBC. To my knowledge not one BBC Scotland reporter has questioned Sarwar or Baillie or indeed Rayner about the vote of no confidence in the Welsh First Minister, but they had plenty to say when it was the SNP First Minister facing a confidence vote.

Winifred McCartney

I AM becoming increasingly irritated by both politicians and the media using the expression “tax avoidance” when what they actually mean is “tax evasion”.

The former, often known as efficient tax management, refers to the manipulation of wealth and income by both individuals and businesses to ensure it attracts the minimum amount of tax. It is perfectly legal and can only be tackled by legislation to change the structure of the overall taxation system. As it is generally of benefit to the wealthy and big business, it’s unlikely that either of the main, business-friendly parties will touch it with a barge pole. If they did, it would generate much, much more than the sums they’re talking about.

READ MORE: Professor Gregor Gall: Keir Starmer isn't a socialist, so what is he?

When they talk about putting more resources into HMRC to crack down on tax avoidance, what they really mean is cracking down on tax evasion, which is illegal, and is therefore the only thing HMRC can actually address. This is aimed at people like Wee Jimmy, the joiner down the street who will do a job for you on a Sunday, cash in hand, to save you a bit of money in VAT and himself a bit in income tax.

So next time you see a reference to the Tories funding more police on the beat, or Labour paying for school breakfast clubs by providing resources for HMRC to “clamp down on tax avoidance”, be aware it’s not the politicians’ mates squirrelling their millions away in the Cayman Islands or Apple declaring their profits in low-or zero-taxation jurisdictions that they’re talking about. It’s actually the £30 Wee Jimmie saved you in VAT.

I’m not saying any of these activities is right. I’m just trying to clarify what the politicians mean when they deliberately use this confusing jargon in their electioneering.

Cameron Crawford

DURING this General Election campaign it’s vital to remind the people of Scotland just what the devolved Scottish Parliament has done for them; and for those yet to be convinced, how very much more could be done with the full powers of independence.

John Swinney, in tackling the disastrous effect of Brexit, the economic crisis and climate change etc, has named the eradication of child poverty as the top priority. Independent analysis has shown that, through the SNP government’s Scottish Child Payment policy and its £1 billion investment, 100,000 children have already been taken out of poverty.

In truth, however, the workings of any devolved government with its many restrictions is like a boxer fighting with one arm!

Grant Frazer