TWO areas of pre-election discussion have been disgracefully neglected and John Lamont, the Conservative candidate for Berwickshire, Roxburgh & Selkirk, should be challenged over both.

The wanton slaughter of the people of Gaza continues, with the Tory government having done precisely nothing to end the carnage. John Lamont’s voting record speaks for itself! Along with fellow Borders Tory MPs David Mundell and Alister Jack, he voted against a ceasefire and twice for restrictions on boycotts. In addition he has not signed any of the four early day motions to end the siege and allow aid in, to support the International Court of Justice ruling, to suspend UK arms export licenses to Israel and call for Israel to be held accountable for war crimes. Shame on you, Mr Lamont – not in my name!

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On the other great issue that is being ignored by the major Westminster parties, Brexit is the most damaging to Mr Lamont’s constituents in the Borders. Despite his constituents voting to remain in the EU he has, as always, done as he is told by his London masters and voted in favour of every reactionary clause needed to create a hard Brexit.

Michael Heseltine recently said that because Brexit is being kept out of the election campaign, this will be the most dishonest in modern times.

Covid continues to be trotted out by Rishi Sunak and the Tory party for the UK`s poor economic performance, but all of Europe was affected and all other EU countries have better economic prospects. Brexit continues to strangle the UK’s most important trading relationship and will continue to do so for years to come. Goldman Sachs recently calculated that the UK is economy 5% smaller than similar economies as a result of Brexit. Think on that, year after year after year. The damage only deepens.

Students and scientists can’t meet and exchange study, musicians can’t play European festivals and concerts, new businesses can’t export to Europe and businesses are not attracted to the UK. This is all lost potential, lost tax receipts and consequential damage to public services.

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Red tape has increased dramatically and EU trade is slower and more expensive. Scottish salmon alone is losing £100 million a year in exports, with severe damage continuing to be done to the fishing, agriculture and hospitality sectors as well as public services. Supply chain difficulties have increased and the UK has even less control over small-boat immigration as a result of severed links with the EU. The UK has lost all the advantages of pooled resources, scientific knowledge and expertise with 27 other EU countries, yet again leading to higher costs.

And the Tory and Labour party answer to this chaos: find a beach, probably somewhere near Dover or the English Channel, and bury your head in the sand! This situation is entirely the result of the Tory party, led by the nose by one Nigel Farage, and John Lamont and David Mundell have been essential, time-served, Tory party yes men voting through all this chaos and economic damage.

Proof? It’s there for all to see. An incoming Labour Party will continue on the same course – Scotland can only reverse Brexit and get what we voted for, which was remain, by being an independent country back in the EU.

Lorne Anton
Ayton, Berwickshire

I’M sure the audience in Colchester will be very keen to know Scotland’s views on all matters Brenglish! (Channel 4 to host Debate Night election special – all you need to know, Jun 17) Why bother?

By now we have all heard each party and their own repetitive mantras – so do we really expect anything new with yet another 90-minute boredom fest?

John P