ANGELA Rayner in Scotland football jersey on Sunday and England jersey on Monday – trying to be all things to all men – not possible.

London Labour is Scottish Labour, despite anything they say. Remember Sarwar saying GB Energy would produce energy – it is not true, it is a private investment company. 69,000 new jobs in Scotland? The biggest energy company in the UK, Centrica, has 20,000 employees.

READ MORE: 'Tactical vote' group Best for Britain branded 'Labour front'

We have had enough of Labour’s Private Finance Initiative – and we are still paying for it.

There is nothing in the Labour manifesto that will give anything to Scotland – it will only take away from what we already have. “Read my lips,” said Sarwar, “no austerity under Labour. Just what is the two-child benefit cap if it is not austerity?

Wes Streeting (holding the door wide open for private healthcare) wanted a “more ambitious” manifesto but knows what we have is the status quo – in other words, red tory.

Winifred McCartney