I MUST say it was curious to read about another misdemeanour by the BBC Question Time presenter, Fiona Bruce, as highlighted on Saturday’s front page (“Question Time’s Bruce slated for shutting down FM on Brexit”).

It has been a long, long time since I have watched this awfully biased and poorly presented programme, and one of the main reasons for my personal ban on said programme is the regular indiscretions committed by this particular presenter. The woman can’t hide her biased distaste of the SNP/Scottish Government and the constitutional politics that are associated with it, and there is absolutely no subtlety attached to the way she rudely interferes in discussions and blatantly targets certain Scottish political representatives.

READ MORE: BBC Question Time left us with no doubt that Rishi Sunak's lost

I gather there was some audience heckling of PM Sunak and his Rwanda/illegal migration obsession during Bruce’s recent election debate programme. It’s a pity many people within the sitting audience didn’t turn on Bruce herself regarding the totally unacceptable, partial way of presenting such a programme, to finally bring this whole issue to a point where the BBC can’t ignore the problem any more.

My simple benchmark to gauge Fiona Bruce’s standard of performance as a Question Time presenter is a direct comparison to her predecessor, David Dimbleby. Did Dimbleby ever have any of this type of criticism levelled at him during his 25 years of loyal service to the programme? The man was clearly a far superior all-round presenter than Fiona Bruce will ever be and I’m sure most informed folk realise that assertion to be true.

Bernie Japs

I DON’T watch Unionist Question Time, for the simple reason of which I read every Friday morning in The National.

When will one of our SNP politicians have the backbone to tell Fiona Bruce “shut up and let me answer the questions without interruptions”? The gloves have been off for years with Question Time “chairs” and it’s long, long overdue to take ours off.

Ken McCartney

ANAS Sarwar was interviewed by Martin Geissler on Sunday morning and was allowed to waffle round and round about GB Energy and not give any clear answers.

Private investors will upgrade the grid – according to Sarwar, “plenty of money and investors”. Where is his proof? Is this in the manifesto?

GB Energy will not in itself produce energy but will invest in companies that produce clean energy and we will get SOME OF THE MONEY BACK.

READ MORE: Anas Sarwar refuses to say how Scots can secure indyref2

My understanding is that the UK would finance 25% and private investors 75% – so we will get a quarter of the profits IF things go as planned. No answer to what will happen if it does not go to plan or if investors are not found to upgrade the grid.

Asked about the democratic route out of the Union, Sarwar said “we do not have a sustained majority for independence” and that “80% of the population want rid of this rotten Tory government” – he is allowed to conflate two separate issues. No clear answer, and Geissler eventually stated “we do not know what a sustained majority for independence is”. Sarwar talks of the settled will of the Scottish people – but even with a majority of MPs this will not be accepted by Starmer.

Sarwar states that 2021 was a pandemic election and does not count for a mandate. Even Geissler states that you could give a tag to any election results and say it does not count – it seems to only count if the Unionists want it to count or if it is coming down on their side.

Why are the BBC allowing Sarwar seven minutes to waffle around and around the questions? He us just a clone of his shape-shifting, U-turning boss in Westminster.

Winifred McCartney

THE announcement of possible further delays to the ferries being built in Greenock raises questions about public procurement in Scotland (Manager taken off ferry project as new delayed expected, Jun 22).

This has been a common problem in the past – in most cases there have been changes and alterations to the original specifications, well into the projects. This has in most cases contributed to delays and increased costs. Is this the problem with the ferries?

Getting the specifications right to start with, with no add-ons or changes, should be the norm.

Drew Reid

I SEE we have a team at the Euros representing Great Britain. They’re called England.

Why do I say this? England now play in blue, red and white and yet there’s no blue in their flag. Funny that? Just saying!

Is this another plan to subsume all the nations of this voluntary Union into a shire of England by stealth? I wonder if anyone else has noticed this?

Keith Taylor
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