I WAS daft enough to watch Wednesday night’s debate between Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer and I have heard a more informative and enthralling stairhead rammy in an old Dundee tenement.

I would never let Sunak or Starmer even try to run a booze-up in a brewery! Is this the best our two largest parties have to offer? Independence can’t come soon enough!

P Davidson


ONE week away from a General Election and the national English broadcaster presents a so-called Leaders’ Debate with the shoogly-pegged incumbent looking statesmanlike while defending his position against a pathetic soul floundering in a sea of self-made confusion.

It is hard to imagine Keir Starmer selling ice cream after this effort at selling himself as a worthy leader of the UK.

This chaotic debate screamed switch off and early bed with a heavy heart for the next two years until surely imperative Scottish independence in 2026.

Tom Gray
