WHY would anyone in Scotland vote for a lacklustre, boring, uninspiring Unionism, with no EU offering, as outlined by Labour?

Five more years of persistent depressing austerity under a flaccid Labour government devoid of inspiration or even enterprise is not worth voting for.

READ MORE: Anas Sarwar's 'implicit support for Douglas Ross' undermines Labour claims, SNP say

After 14 years of the terrible Tories and probably five years of insipid Labour, the Scottish electorate just might realise that Westminster will not and cannot offer Scotland hope, dignity or prosperity.

Thom Cross

THROUGHOUT this thoroughly dishonest UK election campaign and with my experience of many previous campaigns, I know that whenever Labour or the Tories are out of office many promises are made. However, when they are in office, most if not all of those same promises evaporate!

Grant Frazer