SO here in Scotland we can vote for whoever we want, and the votes don’t mean a thing in the bigger picture as we are still ruled by another country regardless of our wishes.

For nearly 70 years – yes, 70 years – we have not voted for the truly vile Tory party yet they have ruined all our lives for the vast majority of this period. We wanted to remain in the EU and voted for it, and this was also completely ignored and we were dragged out of the EU because our neighbours voted for it, but hey, it’s a completely different story if you live in Northern Ireland as they get to stay in the EU. They can also vote on their own constitutional question every seven years if they wish, but Scotland – being England’s treasure trove – is quite simply not allowed to make its own decisions as this of course would sink England without trace.

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The situation is both farcical and completely intolerable and we need leaders here with genuine backbone to resolve this.

Let’s look at what actually happens in the current situation. England’s landed-moron class seize power through state control and make one absolutely catastrophic decision after another, and never learn. They do not need to learn as they can simply continue to prop up their failing country by stealing more and more of Scotland’s huge assets, and this hides just how completely unfit for rule they really are. This of course has dire consequences for Scotland.

Make no mistake – the destroying of Scottish and Welsh industries was and is completely deliberate, from the 1970s with the monster that was Thatcher to the present day when they now try close our only oil refinery and try close the steel mines in Port Talbot. England needs Wales and particularly Scotland to be reliant on England’s pretend largesse so the people of these two proud nations feel they can’t go it alone. It is both very clever and downright disgusting on every level. So England steals Scotland’s huge resources which invariably means the devolved (toothless in reality) Scottish Government looks like it is failing the people here, when anyone with the slightest intelligence knows the real blame lies in Westminster.

We all know that despite having its hands tied behind its back the Scottish Government works absolute miracles in so many things, but of course you wouldn’t think this as our caring, sharing neighbour’s establishment also has control of what we are allowed to hear on the news or see on the newspaper stands.

READ MORE: Keir Starmer says he didn't know about Labour 'helping Tories' in Scotland

This constantly repeated lies about a “once in a generation” opportunity or “it’s not showing consistently high enough support to allow another independence vote” are only rolled out as the increasingly desperate crooks ruining these islands are simply grasping at every straw they can to try delay the inevitable.

And if anyone is stupid enough to believe we are partners, just think about a political party we despise sending people with our elected representatives when they travel around the world to ensure they don’t mention independence, and never forget we pay more for our own energy than they do in London.

Lastly, remember they stopped disclosing the annual amounts they took from Scotland and the percentage of this they gave back in the 1930s as the amount Westminster and the Crown kept for themselves was already absolutely enormous, and this was before they found the black gold in Scotland’s waters.

We need to take control of our own affairs now, join Efta as we will not get in the EU immediately, and take it from there. If the SNP can’t sort themselves out, we need to take the best people from all around the indy movement, not just the politicians, bury the hatchet, grow up, and we will be unstoppable.

Never forget Scots voted nearly two to one for Yes in 2014 and we are still here.

Iain K