TODAY is about Scotland’s future. The result in England is a foregone conclusion – the Tories are finished.

Early tomorrow morning, Rishi Sunak will be packing his bags and leaving 10 Downing Street for the last time.

After the chaos and misery the Tories have inflicted on Scotland over the last 14 years – their departure from office doesn’t come  a minute too soon.

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Westminster austerity cuts have left a scar on many of our communities and public services.

Brexit has hammered our businesses and punished our students, despite Scotland voting overwhelmingly to stay in the EU.

And Tory economic recklessness caused the cost of living crisis, sending household bills through the roof and many families struggling to simply make ends meet. They are a disgrace.

Today we have the opportunity to send the Tories a message about what Scotland thinks about their sordid time in office.

The SNP are the only serious challenger in every Tory-held seat.

Only a vote for the SNP will send the Tories packing.

In many other seats across Scotland, the SNP and Labour are neck and neck and the result across Scotland is too close to call. In Scotland it’s on a knife-edge and every single vote will count.

Labour spending plans mean  Keir Starmer’s (below) government will impose £18 billion of Westminster austerity cuts.

(Image: PA)

That decision will be disastrous for the public services we use every day like our NHS and schools.

And it’ll be devastating for families in Scotland – compounding the misery inflicted by Westminster in recent years.

These cuts are a political choice from Labour. So let me be clear, the SNP will never choose austerity. Keir Starmer doesn’t speak for Scotland’s interests and he doesn’t speak for our values.

But if you want to say no to more cuts from Westminster then you have to vote for it.

Only the SNP can beat Labour and act as a strong voice for Scotland in Westminster.

Only the SNP can stand up for your values in the House of Commons and hold Keir Starmer’s government to account.

READ MORE: The stakes are far too high to vote anything but SNP in this election

Of course, we know there is another prize – a prize greater than any other.


Given the damage of Westminster control, we have a duty as independence campaigners to offer the people of Scotland a compelling alternative.

One that offers real hope and optimism and that demonstrates a sense of possibility.

That’s why page one, line one of the SNP’s election manifesto said clearly: vote SNP for Scotland to become an independent country.

Just like the Tories and LibDems – Keir Starmer’s Labour party opposes independence.

He will count every single vote cast for Labour as an endorsement for Westminster control of Scotland. He will do everything  he can to try to close the door  on independence.  We cannot afford to let that happen. Not now, not ever.

We need every Yes voter to  send a message to the London-based parties that support for independence is stronger  than ever.

Changing which of the Better Together partners holds power in Number 10 does not change the fact that Westminster doesn’t work for Scotland.

That’s why today, as polls open, SNP activists across Scotland will be working non-stop to spread our positive vision of a fairer, independent Scotland to voters.

Today, I am asking you and every single independence campaigner to vote SNP – for a future made in Scotland for Scotland.

The SNP offers Scotland the hope of a better future with independence – but we have to vote for it today.