THE morning after the election before I, as an Independence campaigner, was sunk in gloom to see the alarming drop in the number of MPs elected for the SNP.

However, by about tea time I had cheered up. I had remembered once again that no matter how the Scottish people vote, their MPs or their policies will have no effect whatsoever. We will get what England wants as we are only 8% of the UK population.

Should this be a cheering situation? What can be done?

J Anderson Hall
via email

READ MORE: Let’s work to bring the big hitters who lost their seats into Holyrood

WHY do “we” send SNP politicians to loiter on the green benches in a hostile, alien and wholly frustrating Westminster? What is gained politically for Scottish people? We could watch, for example, hard-working outgoing MP Alison Thewliss tirelessly addressing an antagonist, totally uncaring British parliament with no positive outcomes.

Nine can do the job of 45: but what is that job?

Thom Cross