I WOULD like to point out that the Tory party has maintained the same number of seats in Scotland with a gain in Gordon, and if D Ross hadn’t stabbed the sitting MP in the back in Aberdeenshire North and Moray East, the sitting MP would have probably won. So much for a wipe-out. OK, a reduced majority, but still there.

David Grieve
via email

READ MORE: Rishi Sunak names new Scotland secretary in Tory shadow cabinet

PRESIDENT Joe Biden summed up the UK General Election result when he congratulated “the new Prime Minister of England”.

Those who misguidedly think that half the population will give up on self-determination because Labour’s chief snake oil salesman in Scotland is wallowing in self-congratulation over his part in a “landslide win” achieved with the votes of less than a fifth of the electorate should do themselves a favour by attempting to return to reality through thinking again!

Stan Grodynski
Longniddry, East Lothian