THERE is no surprise in Stewart McDonald’s pro-Trident position (Swinney must be ‘ruthless’ and scrap Trident timeline, says ex-SNP MP, Jul 14). At Westminster he was very easily groomed by the UK defence establishment. They are very good at grooming and he was a very pliable subject. Their top priority in dealing with the SNP was to ensure that, if they couldn’t stop independence, they could ensure as little deviation as possible from what they regard as “British” interests.

READ MORE: Chris McEleny: Unlike SNP and Labour, Alba will never compromise on ditching Trident

We can’t criticise them for that – it is their job. The irony is that there is no independent UK Trident. It is completely dependent on the US and it will be Trump’s finger on Faslane’s Trident.

To be fair, McDonald’s mixed loyalties were recognised and he was sacked from the defence spokesperson position. He is now on manoeuvres. I am just not certain what army he is with.

Isobel Lindsay
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