TWO weeks ago, I watched as my friends were herded to Govan subway station by Police Scotland after a protest. Myself and other members of the public were attacked and violently beaten as we tried to make our way home. Eleven people were brutally arrested, adding to the three already arrested earlier in the day.

We were returning from a picket protesting the arms manufacturer Thales's relationship with Israeli arms company Elbit Systems. The protest outside Thales had just been forcefully broken up by Police Scotland, with three arrests and one person going to hospital for bruised ribs.

We were prevented from safely dispersing from Thales, and the police insisted on escorting us to Govan subway station while telling us we were free to leave. Then, as we tried to get on the subway, the police surged forward to attack us, arresting a further 11 people.

READ MORE: Four hospitalised after 'violent' Police Scotland response to Palestine protest

This violence came from nowhere. As police charged through us, they beat both protesters and onlookers with batons, used pepper spray and one could be heard shouting "run for your lives".


Many of us were left badly injured. The police split one person's head with a baton, they required staples in hospital. Another had a broken nose and pepper-spray wounds. Many were left with heavy bruising across legs and torsos. Witnessing or experiencing this egregious and disproportionate response has been traumatising, as the police beat friends, colleagues and neighbours before our very eyes.

A head wound on one 26-year-old woman hit with a police baton (Image: Provided)

Using such vicious force against members of the public as a consequence of mass protest against Thales's complicity in Israeli war crimes is an inappropriate and unnecessary escalation that does nothing for public safety. It left us questioning: whose interests are Police Scotland trying to protect? Those of ordinary people or of business profits? Time and time again, the police show that they do not keep us safe.

Through its relationship with Elbit Systems, Thales is actively complicit, profiting from genocidal attacks on Gaza in violation of international law. Yet the police are more concerned with protecting Thales's ability to operate than ensuring the safety of the Scottish public or the peace and safety of the people in Gaza.

READ MORE: Trade union to confront Police Scotland after National journalist arrest threat

I refuse to sit back and watch this happen in our community until the UK Government stops these companies from profiting from relationships with Israeli arms producers.

Those who think it does not concern the UK or that there is nothing we can do are wrong. The deployment of weapons to Israel is in violation of international law, and the UK is breaking international law by licensing the exports of such weaponry. Arms manufacturers need to be made to stop working with genocidal regimes.

We will not be threatened by these intimidation tactics or deterred from exercising our right to protest. It is a moral obligation to refuse Scottish complicity in the ongoing genocide and occupation of Palestine. Scotland cannot stand by while people in Palestine suffer uncountable horrors and humiliation. We need to ensure that there is no complicity with the ongoing genocide from companies operating in Scotland. The people of Glasgow will continue to bring Scottish solidarity to the people of Palestine.