AS the official death toll in Gaza exceeds 38,000 – not including an estimated 10,000 unrecovered bodies that lie trapped under the rubble – The Lancet has published even bleaker statistics that reminds us of the true cost of this war.

It estimates that if Israel ceased directly killing Palestinians NOW, the eventual death toll caused by Israel’s action in Gaza would be in the order of 186,000 people. Such a high figure recognises the indirect casualties, those who die from disease brought about by malnutrition, lack of medication and unsanitary living conditions.

READ MORE: Top UN official demands Israel be 'unseated' from organisation

The UN, through the UNRWA, is the most important provider of aid in Gaza. The UK’s continued withholding of funding is unconscionable and will directly contribute to the enormous number of human beings who die in Gaza as a result of Israel’s offensive.

What is David Lammy waiting for? “We are witnessing the most documented genocide in history and still there are no consequences for Israel,” said Sinn Fein MEP Layla Boylan. Well said that woman!

Thom Muir