I AM still struggling to put into words how I feel about the whole sorry mess of the election result in Scotland.

However, watching the BBC 6pm news on Thursday has motivated me to let rip! Since the election I feel the BBC have had a biased “spring” in their step – and their message is everything is good in the UK, all is well in Great Britain.

On Thursday, one news item was about the Flow Country waiting to find out if it had been successful in becoming the latest Unesco World Heritage site.

Not once was Scotland mentioned – it was all GB/UK. I sense it is not just SNP that will not be given air time (unless it’s baaad news) – but Scotland may well be airbrushed out too.

We all need to stand together. The senseless sniping at each other only serves to feed the negative image of Scotland that is enthusiastically promoted by the Westminster narrative.

Our mantra needs to be “I am Scotland” – and we must promote and be proud of Scotland at all opportunities.

Saor Alba.

Jan Ferrie
