I’M disappointed that All Under One Banner decided to cancel their September indy march due to the possible appearance of a bunch of thugs in George Square in Glasgow that day. I would have been in Edinburgh for the march, but will definitely not be in Glasgow to provide publicity for the thugs – I’m too easily provoked, which is what they want us to be.

We all agree, whatever our politics, that a peaceful and inclusive Scotland is our aim. If Glasgow is virtually empty, the English racists and their few deluded Scottish followers will be disappointed, and the polis will have plentiful deserving (skin)heads to crack, should the opportunity present itself.

READ MORE: Scottish independence march postponed to unify numbers at far-right counter-protest

Traders can have a day off. Shut the shops and pubs. Shoppers and shop assistants alike – book a day trip to somewhere else. Watch it on the telly. Leave the Square nice and empty for the polis to treat the event like a training session in riot control. And remember all eyes will be on the police too.

Glasgow City Council can refuse authorisation for their “rally” and our police can take preventative action to stop the gangs getting there. The probable violence in Glasgow might even make the BBC report fairly on the contrast to peaceful indy marches.

Better yet, join with our ethnic minority communities in a strong presence of solidarity at mosques and temples to dissuade troublemakers.

How stupid the Yaxley-Lennonists will look if they call a riot and nobody comes. Stay away, really, they’re not worth the bother.

Alan Laird
via email

WHILE I completely sympathise with the aims of the proposed anti-racism and anti-fascist march in Glasgow, the idea of confronting these far-right thugs is not very sensible and will probably result in clashes with the police stuck in the middle.

Inevitably the Unionist press will describe such clashes as battles between two sides equally to blame, despite the facts.

This is exactly what happened in George Square the day after the 2014 referendum when a peaceful gathering of sad Yes voters was set upon by a mob of Unionist thugs.

READ MORE: Warning as Glasgow 'far-right protest' disinformation sweeps social media

The press described this as a brawl between rival factions equally to blame, which was of course lies.

In my opinion it is best to ignore the thugs and to leave it to the police. That way there can be only one culprit and no false blame attached to the independence cause.

James Duncan

DO we honestly think that the Yes supporters should attend a far-right rally? Are we putting the great behaviour record of the Yes marches and rallies at risk? We have walked past Unionists without any problems BUT this is a completely different ball park. Let them have their racist rally and let the “peelers” do their job. Keep well away.

Ken McCartney

SINCE the English are revolting again and their jails are full, why doesn’t the new red Tory government not utilise the vast sums spent by the blue Tory government and send the troublemakers to Rwanda?

Kenny Burnett

THE character of the riots down in England has give a frightening display of the depravity that is to come. The disorder has not occurred in a vacuum.

The context is an NHS that has been stripped bare, a housing crisis that has seen only the very wealthy able to afford a a decent dwelling, wages collapsing as well as infrastructure.

The parasitic financial class are the ones who have profited handsomely from this situation, thus proving true the Marx axiom “accumulation of wealth at one pole is, therefore, at the same time accumulation of misery, agony of toil, slavery, ignorance, brutality, mental degradation, at the opposite pole.”

READ MORE: Social media firms must 'get act together' amid far-right riots, John Swinney says

In can be rightly concluded through investigation of evidence that this class were solely responsible for the above situation. They paid the Tories, Labour and the media class to promote a false narrative. This exculpated the financial class from responsibility.

The result of this propaganda is the rioters choose to target refugees instead of the bankers, speculators, landlords and newspaper proprietors.

The censorship of the left by tech companies has also contributed. Social media platforms have used algorithms to inflate far-right content. This is because it is profitable to do so and does not threaten the business model the way leftist ideas do.

The disorder has shown the divide between both sides of the Anglo-Scottish Border. Quite simply, Anglophobia and demonisation of refugees is not tolerated within the Scottish independence campaign.

However, the English nationalist right is heavily prejudiced against those of a different religion or skin colour. This is because of the narrative they tell about the “British” Empire, the celebration of war and paeans to the “royal” family. This fascist ideology is a feral beast that was fed by the Westminster political establishment for political expediency. It has now become uncontrollable, with consequences which are difficult to see but will be horrendous for all involved.

Alan Hinnrichs

THE long letter by Andy Anderson (Aug 6) makes for interesting reading up until the following sentence: “it would even allow a Scottish individual to complain directly to the UN if he/she believed that his/her rights were being denied.”

Only member states can obtain a ruling by the United Nations, not individuals. In accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, any complaint by an individual would therefore have to be disregarded.

Michael Follon