REGARDING David Howie’s letter on Saturday, I must agree. Before coming back to Scotland in 2011, I was an international advocate for Scottish independence. Upon returning I have been a local advocate, including but not limited to engagement in debates with family, friends and ex-colleagues. I am retired now. I have also attended a number of marches. But, no more.

The SNP have “lost the plot”. Scotland is not an international power. Why is any Scottish Government representative having a meeting with Israel? Could it be argued that we need to do business with countries like Israel? Arguably, but not a substantive argument. If this is the case, does Scotland need to have similar meetings and business with Russia and North Korea? Rhetorical question of course.

READ MORE: Scottish Government won't meet with Israel until 'progress made on peace'

The purpose of the Scottish National Party is to gain independence for Scotland. Sure, they have responsibility of government, but where is the focus on independence? We have had “open goals” for so long – to name a few, Brexit, Johnson, Truss, austerity – yeah, I could go on. Where is our striker! Like our football team, we excel in the art of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Political will and politicians will not get us independence. Politicians are akin to magpies, in that they chase the latest “shiny” policy fad. To continue the football theme, it is like watching five-year-olds play. Goalkeepers in the goals playing with the nets, the other 20 players chasing the ball like a pack.

I would suggest writing a constitution (as the Norwegians did) and whilst that process is under way, promoting Scotland in a dynamic, progressive and positive manner. We must take the argument to the Unionists. Challenge and press the question: what is the process to leave the Union? We must not get involved with the Westminster traditional politics. That is their game and they are masters of it. Recall SNP representatives from Westminster as a statement but really, what is the use or added value of them being there? Had we done that before the election, the impact would have been significantly greater.

Time to stop being subservient, passive, wait-and-see. It has not worked for more than 300 years, why will this work now?

Andrew Currie

I VERY much enjoy reading the letters submitted to this paper. I suspect that the mood of these letters is either ignored or disregarded by the SNP leadership.

I read with disgust of Angus Robertson’s meeting with the Israeli deputy ambassador (not even the ambassador). Major powers around the world have so far pressed for a ceasefire, with no success (although hopes are that the talks currently taking place will prove effective). Long before the meeting above took place, the Scottish Government had requested a ceasefire. So why the meeting?

READ MORE: Angus Robertson issues statement in row over Israeli diplomat meeting

Rather than read the room, sense the zeitgeist, Mr Swinney states that his government took the meeting to press for a ceasefire. Really??

It seems the meeting only served as a chance for more propaganda from the Israeli government, whilst the Scottish Government are complicit stooges.

With almost perfect synchronicity, SNP MSP John Mason then states that the Israeli government are not committing genocide in Israel.

Goodness knows how many Scottish voters feel as I do. Who represents us?

I thought Mr Swinney was a safe pair of hands. He is appearing more and more like Frank Haffey at Wembley (that’s one for the youngsters out there), unable to stop the onslaught. As people told me before the UK election, Mr Swinney is no leader. These people were correct.

Mr Swinney needs to go, and he should take Mr Robertson, Mr Mason and the others sharing his views with him.

JM Mathison
Via email

IN a week in which we saw two Israeli nationals take the huff at a comedy show over their country being compared to an abusive woman, we then had a similar huff among certain parties in the SNP over Mr Robertson meeting with a diplomat from the Israeli embassy.

There is a place for indignation in politics but it has now become bland from over-use, especially when logic has been kicked out the park, as in this case.

READ MORE: Read Angus Robertson's full statement on SNP minister's Israel meeting

In simple terms, ignoring bullies will never work. Mr Robertson, according to all reports, made clear to the diplomat that the people of Scotland abhor the genocidal actions of the Israeli government in Gaza.

I know of no report that he engaged in secret trade or financial agreements nor committed Scottish taxpayers’ money to support the sending of arms to Israel.

Sadly, as the armament sectors’ trading licenses are reserved to Westminster, Mr Robertson could not even threaten to stop weapons system shipments from Scotland.

This is simply the political enemies of Angus Robertson and John Swinney within the SNP stirring the proverbial with their overblown opprobrium.

The last thing SNP members want is yet another state of civil war within the SNP NEC. We had enough of that with the recent “woke” wars.

Peter Thomson

I HAVE decided to cancel my SNP membership as I have lost faith in the hierarchy, who do not meet my expectations and morals. I’ve had enough of the skulduggery from the people who we have put our trust in. They have complete contempt for the members of this party.

This latest saga from Angus Roberson has sickened me right to the core. It’s just one disaster after another. It was bad enough with Michael Matheson and the £11,000. 

I was a Labour member right until the 2014 referendum. What made me become a member of the SNP was first impressions from the rank-and-file foot soldiers: their dedication to the cause for independence was breathtaking, and above all loyalty to the party. I am sorry to say it looks like it’s Alba for me now.

Danny Kerr
via email