THE SNP conference is nearly upon us, and The National has been preparing to bring you in-depth coverage of all the key events.

This year, we will have reporters present for just about every minute of the three-day conference, which will take place in Edinburgh from August 30 to September 1.

We will have exclusive interviews with some of the top figures in the SNP, minute-by-minute live blogs covering every motion and speech, and on-the-ground video from the hall.

And all of that great coverage will be available to conference attendees, as free copies of The National will be delivered every morning.

We’ll not only be covering the main conference events though, as some of the best moments of the weekend will happen on the fringes. In just one example, The National’s own Lesley Riddoch will be in conversation with SNP MP Pete Wishart as he launches a book marking ten years since the first referendum.

That will all kick off this Friday. But you don’t need to wait till then for The National’s coverage of the SNP conference – that’s already begun.

We previously reported on SNP members’ concerns about the conference agenda – which was drawn up before the General Election – and internal pressure for a change.

Members who spoke to this paper raised concerns about some of the motions which had made the draft agenda, calling them “pointless”.

And that led to change. The SNP’s final conference agenda includes a review, led by First Minister John Swinney, of the July General Election result – as well as a series of policy discussions with other top SNP figures.

So stick with The National for close-up coverage of the SNP conference that you won’t be able to match anywhere else.

Thank you.