JUST what is happening within the SNP Scottish Government? They are treating the public as idiots as the latest fiasco of Neil Gray continues. Why did he claim he wasn’t waiting in the queue for Oasis tickets and then come clean and say he was?

Did he learn nothing from the Michael Matheson fiasco where hiding the truth is more damaging than actually being honest in the first place? How can we treat any figures on our NHS from Neil Gray as accurate now that we know he doesn’t always tell the truth?

READ MORE: Neil Gray concedes he was waiting for Oasis tickets during SNP event

It’s clear that the SNP Scottish Government needs a clear-out – no more half-truths and lies are acceptable. We say the same when the Westminster government lies to us – so why should we accept less honesty from the Scottish Government?

I think this underlies many people’s concerns that John Swinney isn’t up to the task of First Minister – letting his ministers bring the government into disrepute with no fear that he will act against them. First it was Angus Robertson throwing away the SNP’s strong position on Israel and now the Health Secretary only telling the truth once he’s dug himself into a hole.

Alex Beckett