I’M going to be blunt about this. If the Greens bring down the Scottish Government by not voting for this year’s budget and causing an election, then many in the independence movement will NOT forgive them and the Greens can kiss goodbye to the second votes they rely on for seats.

Lorna Slater, Patrick Harvie et al seem to forget just how much the Bute House Agreement cost the SNP. The SNP have lost members, support, MPs and their reputation for good government thanks to the Greens.

READ MORE: BBC: Lorna Slater says it's 'hard to imagine' who'll back SNP Budget

So, “Scottish” Greens, bring down John Swinney’s government if you dare, because it will mean you will end up in the political wilderness for years if you do.

Furthermore, I wouldn’t count on propping up any Sarwar government either, because if you jump into bed with the Unionists it really will mean the end of you.

Andrew Haddow