I CAN’T honestly see how Angus Robertson MSP can continue in his current role as Cabinet Secretary following The National’s exclusive that civil servants had prepared an emergency response in case the liaison with the Israeli deputy ambassador was leaked to the press.

READ MORE: Officials prepared emergency response in case of Israeli meeting leak

This shows that Robertson was well aware of the problems meeting this representative of the genocidal killer regime of Israel and was taking actions to cover his back. No amount of apologies can make up for putting the Scottish Government in such a disreputable position.

If John Swinney really is the leader of the SNP he should sack Robertson now, otherwise this whole fiasco will continue to tarnish his already failed leadership. Losing an election so heavily, failing to accept the real electoral problems facing the SNP and now a rogue Cabinet Secretary who believes the party’s policies are for others to follow and not for him.

Alex Beckett