LIKE Bill Ramsay (Letters, Sep 16), I would surmise that indeed Ukraine’s security interests are different from ours and very urgent. However, poking the Russian Bear is not what this is about. The similarities between Hitler’s escapades in central Europe in the 1930s with the campaigns of disinformation in France and Britain at the time and what Putin is doing now are stark. Putin’s ambition is the same as Hitler’s – domination.

READ MORE: David Pratt: The West plays a perilous game by calling Vladimir Putin’s bluff

We missed our chance with Hitler when the Sudetenland escapade played out and Hitler was “protecting ethnic Germans”, and we missed our chance with Putin when he invaded Donbas and Crimea, announcing that he was only “protecting ethnic Russians”.

History is a hard taskmaster and I have no wish for my grandsons to go through what their great grandfathers went through, but if we do not act decisively we will be open to the mauling of the Russian Bear and it will cost dearly.

David Neilson