HASN’T Owen Jones hit the nail on the head, that Labour have spectacularly lost it? (The left have been proved correct about Starmer, Sep 28).

The best way to deal with a mistake is not to make it in the first place. But that takes political skill, planning and consideration, clearly lacking with this new Labour government.

The Winter Fuel Payment was jettisoned by political diktat. No impact assessment was done to show mature thought was employed, because Labour’s impact assessment when in opposition was that 3850 elderly avoidable deaths would accrue. Were a new impact assessment to reveal the same (and why wouldn’t it?), this measure would have been torpedoed. And that didn’t fit with Reeves’s draconian desire to reform the measure away for 10 million pensioners. So, Labour have budgeted for people to die through their measure.

READ MORE: John Curtice gives verdict on Keir Starmer's performance so far

Every Labour Party member and trade unionist should be clamouring for Starmer and Reeves to go for breaching fundamental Labour values. The fact is, if they persist with the measure their popularity will never recover and it will be five years of attacks that will make their governance untenable to the public, no matter the stepford Labour MPs meekly following their appalling leaders.

And if they do reverse the measure then Starmer and Reeves must take personal responsibility and resign over their appalling political judgement, failure to properly consider the measure and the lack of confidence from the public. If they can get this simple measure so wrong, then they are clearly not fit and proper to be leading Britain in very difficult economic circumstances.

READ MORE: Brian Cox pokes fun at Keir Starmer's Labour conference blunder

The Labour Party leaders need to take charge, sort the problem at the very top, take back control, ditch this undynamic duo and set in place a new leadership under the guise of a fresh start, a reboot. The upshot is that Starmer and Reeves need to be replaced or Britain is in a very dark place.

And if this episode has shown anything then Scotland’s imperative for independence has reached the top of Everest, and the SNP need to unapologetically focus on that, and that alone.

Jim Taylor

THE evidence from the End Fuel Poverty Coalition, estimating the additional cost to the NHS of treating the 262,000 pensioners impacted by the cut in Winter Fuel Payments, illustrates the naivety in Labour continuing the Tory austerity agenda.

The cost to the NHS of treating these individuals has been estimated to be more than £169 million a year and exemplifies the damaging impact of continuing with an economic programme of swingeing cuts.

READ MORE: 'Scotland is fed up' with Keir Starmer as approval ratings tank to lowest ever

Reductions in public expenditure and investment at the wrong time in the economic cycle are counterproductive, inhibiting growth at a time when it is desperately needed and increasing the size of the debt relative to economic output.

Chancellor Reeves intends to fill the financial black hole through a combination of cuts, including those to the Winter Fuel Payment, and cutting capital investment programmes. However, there are alternatives. Borrowing big to invest as part of a modern industrial strategy is an entirely mainstream alternative, as promoted by the likes of John Maynard Keynes and Joseph Stiglitz.

We need to invest heavily in the new technologies and infrastructure that will drive growth, however compared to the EU and the US our programmes to date have been pitiful.

If the Labour government want to grow the economy, the current approach being taken will do nothing to deliver this and will only serve to damage it further. It is very much a case of more continuing pain, for less gain.

Alex Orr

IN light of the recent revelations regarding Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer’s extravagant lifestyle, one cannot help but feel outraged. While he has been receiving lavish gifts and hospitality worth nearly £84,000 – from designer clothes to exclusive football match tickets – our pensioners are left to suffer the consequences of cuts to Winter Fuel Payments.

How can we stand by and allow our leaders to indulge in such opulence while they turn their backs on the very people who built this country? The hypocrisy is staggering. The Prime Minister, basking in luxury, is making life harder for our elderly, many of whom rely on Winter Fuel Payments to keep warm during the cold months.

READ MORE: Is Rosie Duffield the only Labour MP who isn’t fine with freebies?

This blatant disregard for the struggles of working-class families is unacceptable. Our pensioners deserve dignity and support, not empty promises overshadowed by the spectacle of a privileged few enjoying their lavish gifts.

It is time for our leaders to reflect on their priorities and remember that true leadership means putting the needs of the people first. Let us not allow this behaviour to go unchallenged.

Councillor Alastair Redman
Isle of Islay

CAMPBELL Anderson has it spot on in the letters page of The National on Saturday.

The Alba, Green, and SNP MSPs have two options. Use their position in the Scottish Parliament to legislate to put the UN ICCPR Covenant into Scottish law, thereby putting power into the hands of the sovereign Scottish people, or give us an explanation as to why they are too frightened or too lazy to do so.

We can show that they have no impediment under the Scotland Act to do this, and according to the Scottish Human Rights Commission they have a duty to do it, so why are they not doing it?

Hiding away, and refusing to respond, in this cowardly way, is not good enough, if they are afraid to do their job properly then they should tell us why.

Andy Anderson