HAMISH Morrison’s piece in the Sunday National on September 22 titled “Reform picking up seats could bring chaos to Holyrood” scared the hell out of me about how Scottish politics could develop in forthcoming years.

I must admit I was shocked that Reform UK achieved 7% of the vote share at the General Election on July 4, only 2.7% behind the LibDems on 9.7%. However, depressingly for me – someone who has a lot of time for the Scottish Greens – Reform quite easily beat their vote share of 3.9%. With a Scottish Parliamentary election only just over 18 months away, this is not good!

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I recall when Trump announced he was running to become president of the US there was much mockery of him in many quarters, and the thought of him beating an experienced politician like Hillary Clinton seemed totally unthinkable. We all know how that unfolded though!

There has unfortunately been much disillusion with the SNP by many in recent times. Amazingly, even though Labour have only been in power for less than three months, there has already been widespread disillusion about them too due to their decision to cut the Winter Fuel Payment for pensioners except for those on Pension Credit or other means-tested benefits. But what aboot a wealth tax instead fur thaim that wouldnae even notice the difference? Dinnae be silly! Ye cannae get on the wrong side of the Daily Mail, The Daily Express and The Sun!

This disillusion has been exacerbated recently by the discovery that apparently Starmer, Reeves and Rayner feel they are so skint they need handouts to clothe themselves! Handoots that poor pensioners can forget!

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As far as the Tories are concerned, the word “disillusion” doesn’t even cut it. The vast majority of folk in Scotland and the UK are now just well and truly scunnered o’ thaim – full stop! This, then, is a very dangerous situation as far as Reform are concerned. I saw their conference on telly and the place seemed to be packed out. That lot also plan to come to Scotland sometime before our 2026 election to no doubt attempt to foment racism, Islamophobia and xenophobia, all the while denying the bleeding obvious that they are doing so!

Unfortunately, we have to acknowledge that folk like Trump, Farage and Lee Anderson know how to attract many folk who are normally totally uninterested in politics, by using their bar-room-boor-style rhetoric. It’s so depressing.

I definitely feel the best way for SNP and Scottish Greens politicians to deal with Reform is to cleverly use humour to mock and belittle them, like Kamala Harris has done successfully with Trump. And who best to get advice on exactly how to do that? It’s obvious. Oor very ain Frankie Boyle, minus the sweary words of course! Farage et al will be running for the hills!

Ivor Telfer
Dalgety Bay, Fife

THE article about Lynn Campbell’s appeal in Friday’s edition “Mother’s call to talk about organ donation after son’s death saves lives” brought back memories of the passing of my 39-year-old brother-in-law, almost 40 years ago.

During the church service, the minister unexpectedly announced that five people had benefitted from his organ donations. You could feel the congregation’s spirits being uplifted by this, and the fact that he had not died in vain.

This should be seriously encouraged, along with leaving one’s body to medical science, as universities are struggling to attract participants.

Personally, I am going to Glasgow University!

Sandy Coghill
Isle of Skye