AS well as the ongoing genocide in Gaza, the Israeli state is continuing to send its murderous troops into Lebanon, and also attacking Yemen. They are murdering journalists, health workers, aid workers. Every British and American doctor who has volunteered to work in Palestine or Lebanon has come home traumatised because the atrocious level of violence they see and have to treat.

Our new Prime Minister said on Wednesday “we stand with Israel” in spite of the fact that the murderous Zionists are deliberately aiming to bring on Armageddon. They blame Iran despite the fact that Israel’s Mossad is assassinating people all over the world without any repercussions.

READ MORE: Keir Starmer accused of 'total hypocrisy' on Israel by Middle East expert

If the USA gets into a nuclear war with Russia-Iran, the UK will automatically be dragged into it. Why will the USA and their poodle in Downing Street refuse to realise that if one Russian warhead was dropped on the centre of London, almost a million people would die?

If a nuclear bomb was detonated, the heart of the nuclear explosion would reach a temperature of several million degrees centigrade. The resulting heat flash would vaporise all human tissue over an area of 1.5 square miles.

Nuclear weapons cause severe damage to the climate and environment on a scale incomparable to any other weapon. The damage to the environment would cause a nuclear winter, and no food could be grown. The entire population of the planet, including animals, insects, birds, fish, would die. Anything unlucky enough to survive would have NO food or water.

READ MORE: MoD issues update on UK involvement after Israel attacks

We MUST stop Keir Starmer and the USA from encouraging Israel to continue this madness, wiping out INNOCENT civilians because “Israel must be allowed to defend itself”. What about the rest of us? Do WE not have the right to defend ourselves against the psychopaths in Israel?


Margaret Forbes

TONY Blair followed Bush into the catastrophic and hugely globally consequential illegal invasion of Iraq. However, it took Blair six years to go from New Labour to Bush’s Bitch.

We still don’t know how many civilians died in the Iraq war but we do know that 179 British and more than 3000 US troops were killed. After the horrors of Abu Ghraib, other soldiers were imprisoned for war atrocities. Bush and Blair continue to prosper.

READ MORE: Concerns raised over Gaza coverage from major news outlets

In the months since the horrors of October 7th 2023, Starmer has declined to join the other three countries of what we still call the United Kingdom in calling for a ceasefire when it could have made a difference. Now, Starmer says he’s “deeply concerned” about the Middle East escalation. That would be the escalation everyone sane predicted with absolute certainty, including Biden – who, as an aside, warned Netanyahu not to make the Iraq mistake!

Starmer has had a year to see this coming down the line. Maybe the designer glasses he accepted as freebies need better lenses!

So, here we are again with UK/US troops being sent into the vilest of all situations (our hardware has been there all along).

And, of course, Starmer has managed to stumble into this new Middle East catastrophe, behind a decrepit Biden, in just 12 weeks.

Amanda Baker

IT’S a pity there was no more space on Tuesday’ front page to fit in the additional words “WHILE THE WORLD STILL LOOKS ON IN BEWILDERMENT!!!!”.

The horribly callous and cruel Zionist government of Israel is still carrying out all forms of atrocity against record numbers of innocent women, children and let’s not forget the little innocent babies who have done nothing wrong to deserve such a horrific and ignominious end to their short lives.

READ MORE: Labour councillor set to face investigation over grabbing protester

That is the great tragedy of this whole murderous episode in Middle Eastern history, where an “out of control” country bent on revenge, and prematurely warned by various prominent political emissaries to beware of such extreme action, has taken such a vengeful recourse to an extreme level that they have lost the moral high ground months and months ago.

They continue regardless to cross red lines with utter contempt for the international community. The United States government appears to be paralysed by powerful influencers throughout the US political spectrum during a vulnerable period leading up to the US election in November, while acting like a drug dealer who supplies the drug addict with more than enough drugs while professing that he should stop taking drugs – absolutely bizarre!

British political are circles similarly affected while much of the mainstream press/media are also influenced and are toning down the rightful criticism of Netanyahu and his ultra-right-wing cohorts.

READ MORE: Israel bans UN chief from entering country over 'bias'

I still look forward to the eventual trial of Netanyahu and the other complicit murderers within his war cabinet, plus other associated killers who booby-trap pagers and walkie-talkies, and those within the Israel Defence Forces. Crimes against humanity, targeted charity workers, journalists, medical workers, UN workers, emergency workers – the list of criminal indiscretions is massive and well documented by UN investigators.

I believe the biggest challenge for law enforcement agencies will be to counter the huge attempt by colluding Western governments/agencies to try and protect these fanatical Zionist criminals. It is absolutely imperative that these horrible perpetrators of insidious and cowardly mass atrocities against innocent people are brought to book – we owe it to the victims in the name of true justice and respect for human life itself.

Bernie Japs