I BELIEVE it is long past time that those who continue to insist that all Israel’s actions are legitimate self-defence were forced to answer some pertinent questions.

1. If Israel has the right to self-defence, why do Palestinians, Lebanese and even Iranians not have that right?

2. However horrific the October 7 Hamas attack was, if Israeli actions are retaliation, is that attack not retaliation for decades of Israeli persecution, restrictions, incursions and takeover of Palestinian land by force and murder?

3. If Israel wants to ensure security, how will creating more implacable enemies make it safer, when every man who has lost family will almost certainly join Hamas or Hezbollah to exact retribution?

4. If Israel reduces homes, schools, hospitals and refugee camps to rubble, what is left for the people of Gaza and Lebanon to return to?

5. Since the borders of Gaza are closed, how can the remaining population escape the carnage?

6. If Israel escalates by attacking Iran, what if Syria is drawn in too, and all the surrounding countries combine to try to wipe out Israel, which ends up under threat of being overrun?

7. Are 40 or 50 civilian deaths for each victim of October 7 acceptable “collateral damage”?

8. Who will pay reparations eventually, to restore all the devastated infrastructure?

Insistence on the self-defence argument ignores several inconvenient facts. It was revealed a year ago that Netanyahu was warned that Hamas was rehearsing an attack at the border, but wanted nothing done, as Hamas “were doing his work for him”. He probably meant that their action would give him an excuse to invade Gaza and “return to Israel all the land that God gave the Jews”.

If he intended to take over Palestine but allow the population to remain or escape, he would not have closed the borders, denied basic services such as water, power and medical supplies, and obstructed humanitarian aid, causing famine and disease. Telling his troops to “smite them as the Amalekites” reveals he intended to wipe the Palestinians out. Unwavering support has shown Netanyahu that he can do as he likes with impunity.

Every bomb, weapon or even spare part the UK Government allows to be sent to Israel results in more deaths of innocent men, women, children and babies, as well as of many from the UK and other countries who risk their own lives to try to save others. Every UK bomb or bullet that kills even one civilian makes the UK Government complicit in genocide and other war crimes, while making the deaths of all the hostages more likely. Moreover, if the very existence of Israel is threatened, then World War Three is a real possibility and the UK support will draw us in.

Wake up, Westminster! Stop arms sales NOW!

L McGregor

WE may feel the world is mad. Sanity is slipping away. Reality is somehow altered and things no longer mean what we thought they meant. I get these moments a lot now.

Most recently I was hit full on with a sense of “HUH?” by the leader of the free world’s warning to Netanyahu as the Gaza death toll reaches 42,000, of which 16,500 are reportedly children.

Emboldened by the US/UK disinterest in the suffering of the civilians and hostages in Gaza, Netanyahu is going full escalation in Lebanon.

In response, President Joe Biden’s note to “Bibi” was (I can hardly believe I’m typing this) “be careful”…

Surely the biggest “what the f***?” moment of 2024.

Amanda Baker