KATE Forbes rightly condemns the attitudes and comments of opposition parties, but this is not confined to tax levels.

There is a constant barrage of negativity from the opposition parties in the Scottish Government. The SNP are under constant attack, with “incompetent” and “failing” the most over-used words. Constant comments such as “a failing NHS”. This is the best way to undermine and destroy our NHS, which, through previous experience, I cannot praise enough!

READ MORE: Kate Forbes condemns ‘drumbeat of negativity’ about Scotland from opposition parties

Do these people not realise the damage they are doing to the morale of our well-performing public services? Opposition parties have no solutions to any problems, only criticism and demands for more funding are offered. The Scottish Government was supposedly founded on consensus, not the petty blame and bickering system found at Westminster.

Grow up, Sarwar and company, be a functioning part of our political system, not a carping and criticising bunch of moaners. Acknowledge what is done well. Offer constructive suggestions for problems.

John Johnstone