SO Keir Starmer and his moronic English government have decided to sanction the Iranian government and military, whilst standing back and ignoring the mass murder and genocidal acts of their chum Netanyahu, who is being given a free rein to literally blow women and children up at will, wherever he likes, whenever he likes, as the cowardly Western leaders turn a blind eye to a genuine monster who will go down in history as one of the biggest mass murderers of all time.

Good old Keir recently boldly announced he would like a temporary truce in Gaza so the authorities there could vaccinate the children who are suffering unimaginable horror. I wonder if it protects them against a genocidal mass murderer’s bombs falling on their heads night and day? No, didn’t think so.

READ MORE: UK imposes sanctions on senior Iranian military figures

Keir Starmer basically asked for a truce in the blowing up of innocent people so they could be vaccinated before being blown to bits a few hours later. Please stop and think about this for a moment.

This moron – and I couldn’t give a damn that he somehow became a hotshot lawyer – is in charge of the Scottish nation and our future, and has already moved to channel all our huge renewables away from our already struggling nation, kept the two-child cap, ensured thousands of our pensioners die of starvation or freeze to death this year, and is every bit as bad as the absolutely reviled Tories, if not worse.

To hear this absolute clown say he has changed the Labour Party, thinking he will be able to get away with this as he is some kind of messiah, tells you absolutely everything you need to know about this cheating, lying, two-faced, stab-you-in-the-back charlatan, who has already lost around one-third of a million Labour Party members, is pure poison, and don’t get me on the topic of slimming pills to get people working again when the whole mess is created by the English government in the first place, with Thatcher ruining huge swathes of Britain and that clown Norman Tebbit telling you to get on your bike and find work, as basically they have closed down all industry local to you.

READ MORE: SNP bring forward Westminster bill to 'keep NHS in public hands'

Scotland needs to grow a backbone and we need to announce we are leaving to take control of our own affairs and stop the blatant theft of our resources, and are happy to sit around the table but the party is over as we Scots cannot stand a moment more of this absurdity of being ruled by a power-mad, greedy grasping neighbour’s ruling establishment. And as for their “royal” family, they can take them and put them where the sun don’t shine.

Enough is enough. We need out and it simply cannot, and must not, go on any more.

You Scottish politicians who we put in power need to grow a backbone, not go to “nations and regions” nonsense to put us in our place, but do what you were voted in to do, and that is to do what needs to be done. So stop fannying around doffing your caps and get on with it, as having to sit and watch idiots we did not vote for ruin our lives decade after decade, whilst stealing our huge resources whilst endorsing mass murder of the innocents and treating us like the dirt on the bottom of their shoes, cannot be allowed to continue.

READ MORE: Arguing amongst ourselves reduces our credibility and influence

To hell with rules made in England; make our own rules or simply walk away, as they have broken every single part of the Act of Union more times than that clown Starmer has broken his promises – and that’s really some going.

It’s simply time to be friends and neighbours, and end this absolute farce of a “union” which in reality has never ever remotely been one. It’s like trying to mix oil and water, it simply will not work and never has done.

Iain K