UNDER the guise of “combating fraud” the British Unionist Labour government plans to give itself new snooping powers. Under the plans bank accounts will be raided, wages seized and companies forced to hand over information on citizens.

The propaganda is that “fraud” costs £7.5 billion per year. The cost of tax evasion and avoidance is £120bn.

The tax evasion and avoidance is committed by city swindlers, crooked bankers, rogue landlords and other members of the 1%. They make up the donor base for the UK political parties and are untouchable. As such no action will be taken against them.

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So twisted is the diseased, sick Westminster political ideology that they would rather citizens are malnourished on the brink of death, pensioners are freezing, children are in poverty suffering from Victorian-era diseases and homelessness is at record levels than increase taxes on the wealthy.

The degenerate Westminster sewer is wedded to the idea of trickle-down economics. This involves giving massive tax cuts to the billionaire donor class. This money is then put in off-shore tax havens.

It is a swindle that steals money from working people and gives to the super-rich. Thatcherism does not bring economic growth. No economy that relies on aggregate demand can expand based on shrinkage of income.

READ MORE: Here's what Labour's Budget tax changes will mean for Scotland

The Labour Budget next week will be an accelerated attack on the incomes of working people. It will be a combination of tax rises and spending cuts totalling £40bn.

The cuts will fall on the NHS, education, welfare, prisons and other departments. The only department exempted will he the war budget. Starmer, Reeves and the rest of his clique are enthusiastic warmongers. They whole heartedly backed the Zionist slaughter in Gaza/Lebanon.

The plan is a direct war with Russia in Ukraine. Of course none of this will be opposed by an insouciant population. They are more obsessed with “celebrity” or non-existent ludicrous conspiracy theories promoted by liars who actually work for the very forces they claim to be exposing.

Alan Hinnrichs

A CASUAL glance at the history books shows that, material advancement aside, our society has not bettered itself in the past few decades.

In fact, mainstream political life simply assumes that Thatcher was right – and there is no such thing as society.

Otherwise, why has a “hands off everything” approach subtly insinuated itself into our daily life?

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Any difficult problems? Just ignore them or take an easy, quick-fix, non-solution ... Wes Streeting and his slimming pills.

Criminal behaviour? Pretend the culprits are actually victims and throw away any pretence at consequences or restitution. Open the gaols.

Out-of-control children? Take away the parental right to impose guidelines by insisting that children’s ”rights” trump everyone else’s rights.

READ MORE: Calls for UK to end its 'embarrassing' involvement in the Commonwealth

However, rich politicians who are happy to see the piecemeal destruction of society do take action when it suits. When a rogue state is bombing countless thousands of innocent civilians, they keep arming them, because funding is going to trickle back to them by undiscoverable means.

Look at where Starmer got his funding from, on the understanding that he blackened Corbyn with lies and propaganda.

Meanwhile we watch in horror and helpless disbelief at the roads politicians take us down. Some democracy.

Jim Butchart
via email

THOM Cross in Tuesday’s paper asks those who have left the SNP to “Come home to the SNP and make it better”. The way the party hierarchy have carried on in the last decade or so makes one wonder if independence is still an aim. It looks like many of them have settled to enjoy the comforts of being in office rather than push for independence and be a stone in the Union’s shoe.

The questions raised by Duncan H in the same edition reflect the suspicions of many after the SNP’s direction in recent times, and I would be surprised if it were not so. If the UK could place men at the top of the IRA ,why not the SNP?

A defanged SNP keeps the Union intact for a few more years so that those in power at Westminster can “project Britain’s influence in the world”. Delusions of grandeur thus preserved for a few more years!

Drew Reid

LIKE Duncan H, I found Andrew Tickell’s article in Sunday’s National most interesting. I don’t think it “too far-fetched to speculate that this Special Demonstration Squad might not have restricted its infiltration” to ‘left-leaning’ parties such as the SNP”. They most certainly did, and I speak from personal experience. In the late 1970s, when I was deeply involved with SNP politics, I had occasion to use my telephone. A short time later I had the need to use it again. Imagine my surprise when, on lifting the receiver, I could clearly hear my previous conversation being played back to me!

So I never “wonder sometimes”!

Paul Gillon

DUNCAN H from Glasgow may well be accurate in assessing that the SNP might have been infiltrated by one or more agents of a sinister “special squad” of the British state, but given his unqualified condemnation of the competence of the “SNP hierarchy”, could it be that Mr H’s letter is in fact a cunning diversion of which BBC Blackadder’s Baldrick would be proud?

Stan Grodynski
Longniddry, East Lothian