I COULD not agree more with the call by SNP Social Justice Minister Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP in the article “SNP minister in warning to party amidst infighting” (Nov 18). Ms Somerville warned in this article about negative briefing to the press and urged figures within the party to “leave yer ego to the side”.

READ MORE: 'Double-jobbing' as MP and MSP is not sustainable, SNP minister says

Ms Somerville, like many longstanding members of the SNP, knows that the press are always ready to pounce, but I would like to turn the question back to the press, when they report information from a  “local source”.

If the press want their article/story to be taken seriously, to be authenticated, then they must reveal who their local source is. No revelation of source brings with it the belittling of the article/story and begs the question could the “local source” even be the opposition?

Catriona C Clark