THIS week it was with cautious optimism – a phrase that is currently being thrown about – that I promoted our 2021 in-person conference, The 51% Club. It asks the question, “Women make up 51% of the population, so why are there so few women in leadership roles in sport?”.

Never before have I given so much thought about having people together in one space, but with the amazing line-up that is confirmed so far, and with restrictions easing, it seemed the right thing to do.

We will also look at the good practice that prevails in sport in order to achieve a gender balance, looking at media, sports and health. It is a delight to have experts in each of these areas attending in person and delivering their presentation. Our top three speakers are all advocates of gender equality and I am so looking forward to hearing them.

Glen Killane, executive director of Eurovision Sport, will explain their recent publication, “Reimagining Sport”, which states that 92% of their members see gender equality in sport coverage as an important issue.

Katie Sadleir is now working for the World Rugby Union and was appointed World Rugby general manager for women’s rugby in 2016. The purpose of her role is to accelerate the global development of women in rugby.

As you might be aware, for so long women’s health in terms of how sport impacts on their body has not really been openly discussed. Dr Emma Ross, along with two of her colleagues, co-founded The Well HQ. Their mission is to tackle the taboos, educate and empower people on periods and the menstrual cycle, breast health, pelvic floor health and what it takes for girls and women to thrive in sport. We will also be launching our inclusion report, looking at research from Observatory for Sport in Scotland on the gender balance in leadership roles, as well as news on our next project with SAMH on a unique mentorship scheme for young women.

To say I am excited about this is an understatement. To attract three top-class speakers to this event is amazing, but in this current climate, it’s nearer to a miracle. If you are interested in attending or sponsoring the event, I would love to hear from you. Sign up for tickets at and contact me directly for sponsor opportunities.